SME REG No: 1391661

Mobile Application Security Testing

Our expert team of mobile application security consultants offer a detailed security analysis of your mobile application as part of our Mobile Application Security Assessment service

Web Application Security Assessments

Mobile applications are increasing in numbers every day. Today more mobile phones / tablets accesses web applications than PCs. More than 90% of government services in UAE can be transacted through mobile applications. Increase in the use of mobile applications means, application vulnerabilities and thus security incidents that may impact the client device or backend systems that support the mobile application.
Mobile Application vulnerabilities often lead to customer privacy violations and/or data loss. Considering this, it is important to perform a holistic security review as part of your mobile application deployment strategy.
SAS expert team of mobile application security consultants offers a detailed security analysis of your mobile application as part of our Mobile Application Security Assessment service. Our testing methods use both automated testing as well as manual testing using a combination of Mobile Application Security Framework (MobSF), OS simulators and SDK kits. Our “automated tests” detects many of the common vulnerabilities of your mobile application. However, manual testing by our security experts uncovers much more issues than the automated tests especially during a grey-box test.

Our Mobile Application Security methodology is based on the OWASP Mobile Security project and performs tests both client application as well as the server-side testing.

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