SME REG No: 1391661

Penetration Testing

These tests are usually conducted outside business hours or when networks and applications are least used, thereby minimising the impact on everyday operations.

Whether it’s internal or external, white-box, grey-box or black-box – uncovers critical issues and demonstrates how well your network, infrastructure and applications assets are protected. DTS Red Team thinks and acts like an attacker, you can discover critical vulnerabilities and remediate them before they are exploited. DTS Red Team simulates external and internal threat actors with the ultimate goal of obtaining privileged access to your critical systems, with the aim of exfiltrating sensitive data and penetrating deep into your network and systems by performing lateral movement. Such simulations support executive management to understand the impact level of a potential data breach subsequently providing the necessary support to ensure risks are mitigated.

Our penetration testing engagements identify the threats to your organization, key assets that may be at risk, and the threat agents that may attempt to compromise them. Each engagement is customized to your requirements and may span from breaching a single host to gaining deep network access.

We begin by identifying assignment objectives, scope of work, systems under test and execute a rule of engagement based on the OSSTMM methodology to ensure all parties understand the obligations towards conducting a penetration test. DTS then performs the various attack vectors and scenarios, in many cases getting extremely creative in putting test scenarios together. Throughout the engagement, we provide ongoing status reports, immediate identification and reporting of critical risks, and knowledge transfer to your technical team. At the end of the process, we ensure you have a complete understanding of the exploitable vulnerabilities in your environment as well as recommended remediation strategies from a technical and management perspective.

Performing passive reconnaissance provides the tester large amounts of knowledge that has already been previously created and captured by various sources without sending any data directly at the target. Some of the sources are part of the infrastructure required by the Internet, such as DNS information, IP databases (ARIN), Domain Registrars, and other information that can be queried by different WHOIS requests.

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