SME REG No: 1391661

Security Operations Center

SAS Solution can help your organization strategize, develop and build a Next Generation Security Operations Center – SOC 2.0 to protect your information assets whilst counteracting the ever changing threat landscape.

Building a Security Operations Center

With the threat landscape ever changing within the cyber world, next generation of threats and attack vectors surfacing; information assets are more vulnerable than ever before. Organizations are now having to accept that a shift in paradigm of Information Security Operations and Maintenance needs to be implemented to keep one step ahead of the intruders.
This has led to organizations to invest heavily in protecting their information assets perimeter wide – utilizing multiple security platforms such as next generation firewalls, intrusion prevention systems, data leakage prevention devices, endpoint security etc.
The huge level of investments made by CIO’s has not necessarily translated into better protection or mitigation of information theft. Year 2011 has seen a vast number of major security breaches across major corporations and industries proving that as information security awareness continues to rise the shortfalls in proactive monitoring, maintenance, management and threat mitigation of security still remains.
With the vast number of information security breaches and the increased number of high profile and well publicized security incidents have left many executives, security professionals wondering how effective the deployed controls have been.

SOC 2.0 – Functional Components

The SOC 2.0 functional components are illustrated in the diagram. Four fundamental elements enables SOC 2.0;

Each of the above elements interact with one another to create a comprehensive workflow for SOC 2.0 operations. Without doubt ‘people’ operating the SOC 2.0 environment play a major role in the day to day operations; either working as part of a dedicated team or a virtual team. However the efficient and effective way in which technology is deployed single handedly determines how optimized the entire SOC 2.0 process flow actually is.

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