SME REG No: 1391661

Web Application Security Testing

Application code vulnerabilities and design flaws in content-rich, web-based, thick-client, and mobile applications can be targeted to penetrate networks and steal sensitive information.

Web Application Security Assessments

Web applications are now also subject to sophisticated attacks whereby delivery of payload no longer is required to obtain Remote Code Execution, the popularity and rise of file-less malware such as Apache Struts give hackers the ability to obtain root access on systems by simply targeting vulnerable web application by sending crafted HTTP request and responses. To mitigate these threats, web and application security assessments must be built into the development and release lifecycle.

Performing passive reconnaissance provides the tester large amounts of knowledge that has already been previously created and captured by various sources without sending any data directly at the target. Some of the sources are part of the infrastructure required by the Internet, such as DNS information, IP databases (ARIN), Domain Registrars, and other information that can be queried by different WHOIS requests.

Our application security assessments identify weaknesses in your proprietary or third-party applications and propose fixes that will enhance your system’s security posture. By combining the use of leading tools with targeted, expert manual analysis of your application, we diagnose threat susceptibility and provide you with repeatable, measurable, transparent, and actionable results. DTS expert Red Team have extensive experience in testing web applications and more than 90% of the work we do is manual, as much as we like to use commercial and open source tools, a human interaction with the web applications always gives the best results – this is particularly true when it comes to performing grey-box web application tests.

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